Inventory |
Experiments |
Main Screen
After you log in, the main screen appears. The main screen is
divided into three sections, the navigation
pane, the main screen
and the commands pane.

Navigation Pane
The navigation pane works
similar to the navigation of a web browser. Users can select a
topic of interest, or go back to the previous topic. In the
displayed screen the user can either view the Inventory or the Results
stored in the database. Because this is the primary window, the
user can also Quit the
Main Window
The main window shows the currently selected view. For
instance, the Inventory compounds view
will show the compounds stored in the database.
Commands Pane
Commands related to the information displayed in the main
window are shown here. The commands or operations shown in the
commands pane are related to the data currently being viewed. For
example, the Inventory compounds view will
have an option to perform a substructure search to retrieve all
compounds matching a given substructure.
Quicklist Window
Quicklist are a way to save and transfer objects. For example,
you can save a collection of hit compounds for later retrieval or to
perform various analysis on the objects.
Resizing a Pane
Each of the panes my be resized by selecting the pane by placing
the mouse over a pane until it becomes an arrow, clicking the left
mouse button and dragging left or right.