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Installing SLIMS
The easiest platform on which to install SLIMS is
Microsoft Windows. For other platforms, the source code is available
for download at the slims sourceforge
SLIMS has been tested on Microsoft Windows, Redhat Linux and Mac OS/X but
is mainly tested on the Microsoft Windows platform.
We are busy creating an installable package for Mac OS/X that is currently
in beta testing. Please contact the SLIMS maintainer for the current
progress of this package.
To install SLIMS on Microsoft Windows:
Download the SLIMS.exe package via the download link at http://slims.sourceforge.net/
Download the substructure editor jchempaint.exe package via the download
link at http://slims.sourceforge.net/ For the substructure editor
to work, The Java jvm (virtual machine) must be installed on your machine.
If desired, download the slims-tutorial.exe via the download link at http://slims.sourceforge.net/
To install SLIMS double click on the SLIMS.exe and follow the directions.
For the following packages to work, they must be installed in the directory
in which SLIMS was installed.
To install the jchempaint package (which enables substructure searching
and structure editing) double click on the jchempaint.exe file and follow
the directions.
To install the tutorial databases, double click on the slims-tutorials.exe
and follow the directions.
The first time that SLIMS is run, you will be asked for the location of
the slims database. At this point you can create your first database.
The default password is "slims" without the quotes. You may change
this when you log into SLIMS.
To run SLIMS either
1) double click on any SLIMS database (anything labeled *.slm or that has
the SLIMS compound icon)
2) double click on the SLIMS icon on the desktop or in the SLIMS program
group. If a SLIMS database does not exist or cannot be found, you will
be asked for the location of the SLIMS database. You can also enter
a new location to create the SLIMS database.